—This may seem like a lot, but following these steps will pay off!!—

(if you have a different routine that has worked for you in the past, feel free to do that! This is just what I recommend, based off of my own knowledge + experience)


-Please don’t drink alcohol the day before! This will thin your blood and make it harder to tattoo, not to mention you really don’t want to be hungover while getting tattooed.

-Make sure to eat a decent meal before your appointment, so you don’t have a drop in blood sugar.
If you get light-headed at any point during the session, LET ME KNOW. —I also advise bringing snacks + water for this reason, as mentioned in the FAQ—
*I always keep some handy, just in case!


-Leave your bandage + wrap on OVERNIGHT; do not take off as soon as you get home as it is an open wound, and will be prone to infection + could be seeping for a few hours after the session. (This is especially important if you have pets, as you really don’t want their hair getting to the tattoo, or having them lick/scratch the area. They may smell the blood on you and try to get to the tattoo, so just be wary and keep it covered)

-If your bandage comes off prematurely, make sure to wash the area as directed below, and wear something you wouldn’t mind getting dirty, as you may leak more overnight *especially with full-color work*

-When you go to wash your tattoo the next morning, be sure to use lukewarm water (hot will sting), and an un-scented soap. —I like using Dr. Bronners (unscented baby—watered down), dial gold, or any unscented soft soap—

-After gently lathering, rinse off thoroughly but gently, and either air dry or pat dry with a clean paper towel

-Once dry, lotion may then be applied in a THIN layer, as needed, about 2 times a day

I don’t usually apply lotion until day 3-5, as my skin is sensitive and likes to breathe first.. so just listen to your body! If it’s very dry and/or itchy, it’s a good time to apply a bit of lotion —

-Your tattoo will start to peel in the first week, and should just flake off naturally. Try not to pick at any of the flakes, as this could remove ink.

-You may have some scabbing, depending on your skin/the location of the tattoo/etc. If you do, once again, DO NOT PICK AT IT. Just keep the area clean + lightly moisturized, and let it heal over time.

-The whole process will last about 3-4 weeks, and then you are free to swim/be in the sun/go to the gym/etc.

Please keep in mind, the less sunlight your tattoo is exposed to, the longer it will last + the brighter the colors will stay—

** IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS / CONCERNS, FEEL FREE TO SEND ME AN E-MAIL, OR EVEN AN INSTAGRAM MESSAGE IF ITS URGENT! I want you to have the best experience you can, so don’t hesitate to contact me!!